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Top 5 Socially Distance Outing Ideas for Small Groups in KL

Whether it is with your colleagues or just a group of friends, sometimes our relationships can somehow turn out to be quite stiff and dull. What more if the relationship is new and undiscovered deeply, the connection between two individuals or more can too be at its worse state. Here are some social outing ideas…


The Struggle is Real for Working Parents during MCO

Undeniably, MCO has been horrible for the most of us in so many aspects. We are threatened by the aspects of wealth, health, relationships, time and so many more. But the good news is, there can always be a silver-lining somewhere.  And if the kind of silver-lining you’re looking for is to have a major…

Benefits of Drawing and Painting

7 Great Benefits of Painting & Drawing

Art has been very well known to have unique effects on the human body, be it mentally or physically. In most cases, positive results occur to both viewers and also practitioners. Art has a variety of forms including music, culinary, architecture but for this particular article, we will be discussing on how paintings and drawing…